Somatic movement exercises, Gloucestershire

Bowen Technique- Susan Ryrie Therapies

Why somatic exercises?

When I first met these exercises I realised they have a unique potential for helping relieve muscle tension and retraining muscle memory. I think of them as a ‘self-help’ therapy. By practicing them regularly I have experienced significant benefits for myself. Friends who have used them tell me about the improvements they have experienced in their posture and suppleness, and reductions in their level of muscular pain.

These exercises form a true foundation for fitness. They are excellent preparation before introducing other forms of exercise, and they complement all other existing forms of exercise. Use them as a first step to increasing your fitness, or use them to maintain good form and function and so reduce the risk of incurring a ‘training injury’.

What are somatic movement exercises?

These exercises were developed around fifty years ago by Thomas Hanna. The title of his book ‘Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health’ describes the principles on which these exercises are built.

Slow, controlled movements, using gravity as a resistive force, have the effect of releasing inappropriate tension from muscles, and retraining the nervous system (‘muscle memory’).

The exercises are suitable for most people, whatever their current level of fitness.

Bowen Technique- Susan Ryrie Therapies

My experience

Since I started using these exercises I have noticed improvements in my posture, I feel ‘freer’ and more supple when I walk, rough terrain is much easier because I have greater control over my core muscles, and I have more energy. My balance and coordination have improved, which is a very important benefit as you become older.

These exercises are now a part of my daily routine and I expect to continue using them for the foreseeable future.


Group classes (4 - 6 people)

£60 for 6 sessions (each 1 hour long)

Times and venues will vary - please contact me for details.

One to one instruction charged at the same rate as Human Therapy

£50 for 1 hour consultation

Please contact me directly for all enquiries on 07775 808314, and to book an appointment.

“I hadn’t realized that I was beginning to feel stiff and achy, but now I notice the difference when I first get up in the morning - I feel much looser and more comfortable. ”