Proprioceptive Exercise 2

Develop an awareness of when your hips are level, and your pelvis is correctly balanced right/left.

Proprioceptive Exercise 2 is perhaps a standing version of the Side Curl. It helps you develop an awareness of when your hips are level, and your pelvis is correctly balanced right/left.

Just as with the Proprioceptive Exercise 1, this is about developing feel. Knowing when your body is correctly balanced and your hips are level. You can carry this benefit of enhanced feel directly across to the saddle without needing to do any movements in the saddle.

When you are more able to feel if your hips are correctly aligned, you will have a greater awareness of when you weight is evenly distributed across your horse’s back. As well as benefitting riding at the standard level, this improved feel can open the door to training yourself and your horse in the use of weight aids.