Iliopsoas Release
Tension in the iliopsoas muscle is very common. It is very often involved when people experience back pain.
The iliopsoas is one of our most important core muscles. It acts as a ‘bridge’ between the upper body and the lower body and helps control the left/right tilt of the pelvis; tightness can result in one hip being higher than the other, throwing more weight onto one side of your body than the other. Tension in the iliopsoas muscle also spreads easily to tension elsewhere.
Tension in the iliopsoas muscle is very common. It is very often involved when people experience back pain.
Because of the ‘bridging’ action of this muscle, tension there can make it difficult for you to achieve clear precise leg aids independently of the balance of your upper body.
When I used bodywork methods to release the iliopsoas muscle on a group of riders, in the middle of a ridden session, the effect on the horses was immediate and magical. They became softer in outline, showed improved movement of their back, and better impulsion.
These benefits come from greater relaxation in the rider, and especially more suppleness in their lower back together with a deeper seat and improved balance and weight distribution.